-Yo momma's so fat, her belly button's got an echo.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to buy clothes by the acre.
-Yo momma's so fat, they had to paint a stripe down her back to see if she was walking or rolling.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses a jungle gym for a walker.
-Yo momma's so fat, she rollerskates on busses.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't wear an X jacket cause helicopters kept landing on her back.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses the interstate for a Slip `n Slide.
-Yo momma's so fat, she reached in her pocket and handed me a CD, a Compact Dishwasher.
-Yo momma's so fat, when you climb on top of her your ears pop.
-Yo momma's so fat, she thought Barnum & Bailey were clothing designers.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she bent down to tie her shoes, her face got burnt from re-entry.
-Yo momma's so fat, she whistles bass.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses bowling balls for earrings.
-Yo momma's so fat, that they had to change "One size fit's all" to "One size fits most"
-Yo momma's so fat, when she went to the airport and said she wanted to fly they stamped Goodyear on her and sent her
out to the runway.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I fingered her I lost a watch and two rings!
-Yo momma's so fat, when she goes in the water at the beach she changes the tide.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she stands up the sun goes out.
-Yo momma's so fat, I had to take a train and two busses just to get on her good side.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she hauls ass, she has friends come help.
-Yo momma's so fat, I've got to tell two snaps just to cover her fat ass.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's 36-24-36... but that's her forearm, neck, and thigh!
-Yo momma's so fat, she's 36-24-36... but that's in feet.
-Yo momma's so fat, they had to grease a door frame and hold a Twinkie on the other side to get her through.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can lay down and stand up and her height doesn't change.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she dances, she makes the band skip.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she walks across the living room, the radio skips.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she played hide-n-go-seek, she hid behind a water tower.
-Yo momma's so fat, the horse on her Polo shirt is real.
-Yo momma's so fat, the horse on her Jordache jeans is real.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's not kidding when she says "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!"
-Yo momma's so fat, on Halloween she says "Trick or meatloaf!"
-Yo momma's so fat, on Halloween she trick or treats two houses at a time.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she opens the refrigerator, it says "I give up!"
-Yo momma's so fat, when she opens the refrigerator, it says "Uncle!"
-Yo momma's so fat, Fat Albert gave her the rights to say "Hey, hey, hey!"
-Yo momma's so fat, when she ordered a "My Size Meal" at McDonald's they gave her a dinosaur.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she ordered a "My Size Meal" at McDonald's they gave her the key to the store.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she went to Burger King and asked for a Whopper, they gave her the sign.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she works at the movie theater, she works as the screen.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she runs she makes the CD player skip... at the radio station.
-Yo momma's so fat, her belly jiggle is the first ever perpetual motion machine.
-Yo momma's so fat, all the restaurants in town have signs that say:
"Maximum Occupancy: 240 Patrons OR Yo momma"
-Yo momma's so fat, when she ran away, they had to use all four sides of the milk carton.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she ran away, they had to put her picture on the milk truck.
-Yo momma's so fat, you can't even see her legs, it just looks like she's gliding across the floor.
-Yo momma's so fat, instead of Levis 501 jeans, she wears Levi's 1002's.
-Yo momma's so fat, instead of wide leg jeans, she wears wide load.
-Yo momma's so fat, she was in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade... wearing ropes.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she gets in an elevator, it HAS to go down.
-Yo momma's so fat, she don't wear a G-String, she wears an A, B, C, D, E, F, G-String.
-Yo momma's so fat, she fills up the bath tub, and then she turns on the water.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses diet soap.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to use a lawn chair instead of a Thigh Master.
-Yo momma's so fat, she went to sit down and the chair begged for mercy.
-Yo momma's so fat, all of her clothes have to be custom made by a contractor.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I said I wanted "Pigs in a blanket" she got back in bed.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she was diagnosed with the flesh eating disease, the doctor gave her 5 years to live.
-Yo momma's so fat, she doesn't have a doctor, she has a grounds keeper.
-Yo momma's so fat, she doesn't have love handles, she has a roll bar.
-Yo momma's so fat, she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's got smaller fat women orbiting around her.
-Yo momma's so fat, a picture of her fell off the wall!
-Yo momma's so fat, her picture takes two frames.
-Yo momma's so fat, I saw a picture of her in a magazine on page 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I yell "Kool-Aid," she comes crashing through the wall.
-Yo momma's so fat, she could sell shade.
-Yo momma's so fat, her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's larger than life.
-Yo momma's so fat, she makes Big Bird look like a rubber duck.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she crosses the street, cars look out for her.
-Yo momma's so fat, she puts mayonaise on aspirin.
-Yo momma's so fat, people jog around her for exercise.
-Yo momma's so fat, I ran around her twice and got lost.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's once, twice, three times a lady.
-Yo momma's so fat, she gets runs in her jeans.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she was walking in her jeans I swear I smelled something burning.
-Yo momma's so fat, I gotta take three steps back just to see all of her.
-Yo momma's so fat, her ass has it's own congressman.
-Yo momma's so fat, she shops for clothes in the local tent shop.
-Yo momma's so fat, her favorite blouse is a tent.
-Yo momma's so fat, she deep-fries her toothpaste.
-Yo momma's so fat, her favorite food is seconds.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she stepped on a train track, the warning lights went on.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she goes to the circus she sees the big top and asks "Where can I try that on?"
-Yo momma's so fat, when she goes to the circus she takes up all the rings.
-Yo momma's so fat and old that when God said "Let there be Light", he told her to move her fat ass out of the
-Yo momma's so fat, even God couldn't raise her spirits.
-Yo momma's so fat that she has TB... two bellies.
-Yo momma's so fat, at the zoo, the elephants started throwing her peanuts.
-Yo momma's so fat, the animals at the zoo feed her.
-Yo momma's so fat, when your father mounts her, his ears pop.
-Yo momma's so fat, "Place Your Ad Here" is printed on each of her butt cheeks.
-Yo momma's so fat, every time she wears high heels, she strikes oil.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she plays football she plays the interior line.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to keep pesos in one pocket and yen in the other.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she wears heels, they're flats by the afternoon.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she leaves the beach everybody shouts "The coast is clear."
-Yo momma's so fat, she wakes up in sections.
-Yo momma's so fat, her blood type is rocky-road.
-Yo momma's so fat, her blood type is Ragu.
-Yo momma's so fat, her college graduation picture was an aerial.
-Yo momma's so fat, her yearbook picture is an aerial.
-Yo momma's so fat, her driver's license says "Picture continued on other side."
-Yo momma's so fat, they used her for a trampoline at the Olympics.
-Yo momma's so fat, she looks like she's smuggling a Volkswagon.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she put on some BVD's by the time they reached her waist they spelled "BouleVarD."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she auditioned for a part in "Indiana Jones," she got the part as the big rolling ball.
-Yo momma's so fat, she goes to a restaurant, looks at the menu, and says "Okay."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she brought her dress to the cleaners, they said "Sorry, we don't do curtains."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I finished having sex with her and tried to roll off, I was still on her.
-Yo momma's so fat, I had to roll over twice to get off of her.
-Yo momma's so fat, if she got her shoes shined, she'd have to take his word for it!
-Yo momma's so fat, she's got Amtrak tattooed on her leg.
-Yo momma's so fat, when the police showed her a picture of her feet, she couldn't identify them.
-Yo momma's so fat, she freebases ham.
-Yo momma's so fat, we got her in the drive-in free by dressing her as a Chevy.
-Yo momma's so fat, she went on a light diet... As soon as it's light she starts eating.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's on a new diet... slim slow.
-Yo momma's so fat, she ain't on a diet, she's on a triet... She be like "What ya'll eating? I'll try it!"
-Yo momma's so fat, she went on a seafood diet... Whenever she saw food she ate it.
-Yo momma's so fat, she could go a week without eating and still not lose weight.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't lose weight, only find it.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she bends over we go into daylight savings time.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's half Indian, half Irish, and half American.
-Yo momma's so fat, she got it goin' on... and on and on and on.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I climbed up on top of her, I burned my ass on the lightbulb.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she goes to an office, they tell her to pull up a sofa.
-Yo momma's so fat, if she wears fishnet stockings, they'd better be 50 pound test!
-Yo momma's so fat, the telephone company gave her two area codes.
-Yo momma's so fat, they have to run a relay race to get her belt through her belt loops.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to put her belt on with a boomerang.
-Yo momma's so fat, her belt size is the equator.
-Yo momma's so fat, she wears an asteroid belt.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has her own area code.
-Yo momma's so fat, her ass looks like two pigs fighting over a milk dud.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she turns around, people throw her a welcome back party.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I was done I rolled over, over again, and I was still on top of the bitch.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't even jump to a conclusion.
-Yo momma's so fat, if she weighed five more pounds, she could get group insurance!
-Yo momma's so fat, when she went to the Rose Parade they thought she was a float.
-Yo momma's so fat, she went to Sizzler and got a group discount.
-Yo momma's so fat, she made weight watchers go blind.
-Yo momma's so fat, she wears a watch on each arm, one for each timezone.
-Yo momma's so fat n black, she jumped in the ocean and they thought she was an oil spill.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to wear a three piece bathing suit.
-Yo momma's so fat, she jumped in the ocean and the ocean jumped back and said "I'll wait my turn."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she plays football she play offense and defense.
-Yo momma's so fat, her nickname is "Damn."
-Yo momma's so fat, the back of her neck looks like a pack of hot-dogs.
-Yo momma's so fat, your daddy had to roll her in flower and look for the wet spot.
-Yo momma's so fat, she broke her leg and gravy dripped out.
-Yo momma's so fat, I shot the bitch and Crisco came out.
-Yo momma's so fat, she DJ's for the ice cream truck.
-Yo momma's so fat, I tried to fuck her doggy style but I was just ridin' piggy back.
-Yo momma's so fat, she stepped on a talking scale and it told her to "Get the fuck off."
-Yo momma's so fat, she stepped on a talking scale and it told her "Fuck it, they don't pay me enough!"
-Yo momma's so fat, she stepped on a talking scale and it told her "Sorry, we don't do livestock."
-Yo momma's so fat, she stepped on a talking scale and it said "Please step out of the car."
-Yo momma's so fat, she stepped on a scale and she saw her phone number.
-Yo momma's so fat, the last time she saw 90210 she was on a scale.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she gets on the scale it says "To be continued."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she steps on a scale, it says "One at a time, please."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she weighed herself the scale gave her an equation.
-Yo momma' so fat, she's moving the Earth out of its orbit.
-Yo momma's so fat, Yo father didn't know whether to fuck her or take the burro ride down.
-Yo momma's so fat, no one can talk behind her back.
-Yo momma's so fat, I gain weight just by watching her eat.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she takes a shower, her feet don't get wet.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's got her own zip code.
-Yo momma's so fat, she was floating in the ocean and Spain claimed her as a new world.
-Yo momma's so fat, she went to the movies and sat next to everyone.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't reach her back pocket.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't wear Dazzey Dukes. She has to wear Boss Hoggs.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to iron her pants on the driveway.
-Yo momma's so fat, her tailor takes her measurements in light years.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she comes down the stairs she measures on the Richter scale.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she goes to a restaurant, she even orders "Thank You, Come Again."
-Yo momma's so fat, she eats biscuits like tic tacs.
-Yo momma's so fat, she don't eat Wheat Thins, she eats Wheat Thicks.
-Yo momma's so fat, she fell in love and broke it.
-Yo momma's so fat, when yo father fell in love with her he got lost.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she swims, she leaves stretch marks on the swimming pool.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she gets out of the car, she leaves stretch marks.
-Yo momma's so fat, she leaves stretch marks on the bathtub.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she fills up the tub, she fills up the tub.
-Yo momma's so fat, she gets clothes in three sizes: extra large, jumbo, and oh-my-god-it's-coming-towards-us!
-Yo momma's so fat, she got hit by a truck and asked "Who threw that rock?"
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to pull down her pants to get into her pockets.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has more nooks and crannies than a Thomas' English Muffin.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to buy two airline tickets.
-Yo momma's so fat, she eats pumpkin pies like Skittles.
-Yo momma's so fat, when the cashier at KFC asked what size bucket she wanted, she said the one on the roof.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to grease her hands to get into her pockets.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has two stomachs: One for meat, one for vegetables.
-Yo momma's so fat, she masturbates reading cookbooks.
-Yo momma's so fat, the shadow of her ass weighs 50 pounds.
-Yo momma's so fat, even her shadow has stretch marks.
-Yo momma's so fat, she needs a roadmap to find her ass.
-Yo momma's so fat, she fell in the Grand Canyon and got stuck.
-Yo momma's so fat, she jumped up in the air and got stuck.
-Yo momma's so fat, she jumped for joy and got stuck.
-Yo momma's so fat, she measures 36 24 36, and the other arm is just as big.
-Yo momma's so fat, the earth orbits around her instead of the sun.
-Yo momma's so fat, NASA orbits satellites around her.
-Yo momma's so fat, NASA is going to use her to fill the hole in the ozone layer.
-Yo momma's so fat, she plays hopscotch like this: LA, Detroit, Seattle, NY.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she went to a dating service, they matched her up with Detroit.
-Yo momma's so fat, I saw her in New York, and when I told my friend in LA, he'd seen her too.
-Yo momma's so fat, after she got off the carousel, the horse limped for a week.
-Yo momma's so fat, she puts on her lipstick with a paint-roller.
-Yo momma's so fat, she looks like the Stay-Puff marshmallow man on steroids.
Yo momma's so fat, she sat on the corner and the police came & said "Break it up!"
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't just work one corner, she has to work all four.
-Yo momma's so fat, she sat on a dollar and made change.
-Yo momma's so fat, she sat on four quarters and made a dollar.
-Yo momma's so fat, her car is made out of spandex.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to get out of the car to change the radio station.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to get out of the car to change gears.
-Yo momma's so fat, she got a "speed pass" for Dairy Queen.
-Yo momma's so fat, she shows up on radar.
-Yo momma's so fat, she stood in front of the Hollywood sign and it just said H-d.
-Yo momma's so fat, she had to roll over 4 times just to get an even tan.
-Yo momma's so fat, she tried to get an all-over tan, and the sun burned out.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses hula hoops to hold up her socks.
-Yo momma's so fat, she wears a hula-hoop for a belly-button ring.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses a mattress for a maxi-pad.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses a pillow case as a sock.
-Yo momma's so fat, her skates went flat.
-Yo momma's so fat, her belly button doesn't have lint, it has sweaters.
-Yo momma's so fat, she wears a VCR for a beeper.
-Yo momma's so fat, she fell off a boat and the captain yelled "Land Ho!"
-Yo momma's so fat, she sat on a rowing machine and it sank.
-Yo momma's so fat, she went to a Chinese Restaurant and ordered a 40oz. of gravy.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has 48 midnight snacks.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's on both sides of the family.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't tie her own shoes.
-Yo momma's so fat, she eats cereal out of a satellite dish.
-Yo momma's so fat, she sat in Big Foot and made it a lowrider.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she got on the bus she turned it into a low rider.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I tried to drive around her, I ran out of gas.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she walks down the street everyone yells "Earthquake!"
-Yo momma's so fat, when she walks down the street, you can hear her hips saying to each other "If you let me by,
I'll let you pass."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she walks in front of the T.V., you miss 5 minutes of your show.
-Yo momma's so fat, the only thing stopping her from going to Jenny Craig is the door.
-Yo momma's so fat, the only thing she lost at Jenny Craig was $29.95.
-Yo momma's so fat, Jenny Craig did a credit check.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she volunteered to clean cages at the zoo, people walked by and said "Look at the elephant!"
-Yo momma's so fat, the highway patrol made her wear a "Caution! Wide Turn" sign.
-Yo momma's so fat, she sat on an Oreo and unlocked the magic.
-Yo momma's so fat, they had to baptize her at Sea World.
-Yo momma's so fat, last time she went to Sea World Shamu got a boner.
-Yo momma's so fat, she jumed in da ocean and the whales started singing "We are family!"
-Yo momma's so fat, when I have sex with her I have to slap her ass and ride the wave in.
-Yo momma's so fat, they changed my Physics book to say "What goes up must come down, except Yo momma."
-Yo momma's so fat, they use the elastic in her underwear for bungee jumping.
-Yo momma's so fat, she bungee jumped and went straight to hell.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses a kiddie slide for a shoe horn.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses blanket as a washcloth.
-Yo momma's so fat, when her beeper went off, people thought she was backing up.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she goes to the beach, little kids yell "Free Willy, Free Willy."
-Yo momma's so fat, as a kid, she couldn't play Hide-n-seek, just seek.
-Yo momma's so fat, she makes Free Willy look like a Tic-Tac.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she backs up she beeps.
-Yo momma's so fat, she plays pool with the planets.
-Yo momma's so fat, she's taller lying down.
-Yo momma's so fat, the body snatchers called home for backup.
-Yo momma's so fat, the only thing she can fit into at the clothing store is the dressing rooms.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she fell down the stairs, she rocked herself asleep trying to get up again.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has to use sleeping bags for tube socks.
-Yo momma's so fat, they had to install speed bumps at the all-u-can-eat buffet.
-Yo momma's so fat, she pulls up a chair to an all-u-can-eat buffet.
-Yo momma's so fat, when it says all-u-can-eat it still ain't enough.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house.
-Yo momma's so fat, you can pinch an inch on her forehead.
-Yo momma's so fat, you can smack it up, flip it, and rub it down all at the same time.
-Yo momma's so fat, you could go swimming in her bra.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she sits on my face I can't hear the stereo.
-Yo momma's so fat, on a scale of 1 to 10, she's a 747.
-Yo momma's so fat, she has a greater gravitational attraction than a black hole.
-Yo momma's so fat, she uses the carpet as a blanket.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she wears corduroy pants, the ridges don't show.
-Yo momma's so fat, she made Richard Simmons cry.
-Yo momma's so fat, even Richard Simmons laughs at her.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she saw a yellow bus going down the road she yelled "Hey! Stop that Twinkie."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she wears a red dress people yell "Hey Kool-Aid Man."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people call her "Taxi!"
-Yo momma's so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, kids think its the school bus.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she wears a purple sweater people call her "Barney."
-Yo momma is so fat, when she sits in a chair, the rolls on her legs, cover her feet like a blanket.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she went to the beach Greenpeace tried to drag her ass back in the water.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she went to get a water bed, they put a blanket across Lake Michigan.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she sat on a rainbow, Skittle's fell out.
-Yo momma's so fat, and you're so poor, when she comes in your house the tires pop.
-Yo momma's so fat, she don't know wether she's walking or rolling.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she tiptoes, everyone yells "Stampede!"
-Yo momma's so fat, she get's her toenails painted at Earl Schieb's.
-Yo momma's so fat, but I fucked her anyway.
-Yo momma's so fat, when I tried to fuck her I didn't know if I was hitting the hole or a roll.
-Yo momma's so fat, when my dog went to fuck her he had to peel too many fat rolls and said "Fuck It."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she fart the whole planet came out.
-Yo momma's so fat, she makes sumo wrestlers look anerexic.
-Yo momma's so fat, her car is made of spandex.
-Yo momma's so fat, we're inside her right now.
-Yo momma's so fat, she makes Big Bird look like a rubber duck.
-Yo momma's so fat, one day when she got in a fight the person fighting her got lost in her.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she wore a shirt with an AA on it, people thought it was American Airlines biggest jet.
-Yo momma's so fat, if she were an airplane, she'd be a jumbo jet.
-Yo momma's so fat, one day she was lifting up her rolls and a car fell out.
-Yo momma's so fat, Dr. Martens had to kill 3 cows just to make her a pair of shoes.
-Yo momma's so fat, she can't stay on a basketball court for three seconds without getting called for a key violation.
-Yo momma so fat that she climbed Mt. Fuji with one step.
-Yo momma's so fat, all the chairs in her house have seatbelts.
-Yo momma's so fat, she smells like bacon at 90 degrees.
-Yo momma's so fat, and her back is so crooked, when she lays down...people say "I didn't know we had mountains."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she travels, she's gotta make two trips.
-Yo momma's so fat, God created her, and on The seventh day he rested.
-Yo momma's so fat, they call her "Big Fat Ho."
-Yo momma's so fat, when she was born, she gave the hospital stretch marks.
-Yo momma's so fat, when she was born, she didn't get a birth certificate, she got blue prints.
-Yo momma's so fat, the national weather agency had to assign names to her farts.